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I have inherited two Rolls Royce Merlin engines in a legacy and wish to sell them but have no idea of the best place. Someone was looking for one the other day for their father but they had no e mail address so I could not contact them. Any ideas?I would stay away from Ebay, this is the kinda thing that has legal issues and personally I think that kinda item needs to be face to face.
I also would contact the Imperial War Museum at Duxford in the UK and ask them if they are aware of any on-going renovations, they are a major clearing house for Mustang and Hurricane Information.
Good Luck.Please dont go anywhere near EBay for this sort of sale.
You dont say what condition the engines are in, nor do we know where you live.
Try to contact historical aircraft associations in your country (and other countries) and get genuine information on the value of these engines. $100,000 each is not unreasonableHow much do you want for them?e-bay.......Go down to your nearest vintage car museum or even the light aircraft section of the local airport and ask around. Ask several people, not just one or two. If they are in good condition they may be quite valuable.
What you have is not just a couple of Engines, for some people, it's the possible fulfillment of a dream, as well as an incredible piece of History.I'm sure that old plane restoration companies would love to get a hold of them especially for the P51 Mustangs---check online for vintage aircraft clubs or EAA Association."craiglist", reaches a large audience but I think I would go along with some of the other answers. These are very special items and they are becoming quite scarce.
Just don't give them away, get an impartial appraiser or submit them for auction with a nice hefty reserve. Be sure the auction is aircraft (old aircraft) related.
Search "Rolls Royce" Merlin dvd on the net and email the contact addresses of the web sites if available. These people obviously have an interest and may be interested or know someone.
These things work on networks that do not always use the internet but are international. You may take a while to sell. E-bay is always an option