Buy Smallville Seasons 1-10 DVD Boxset only $118.99 with free delivery
How can Smallville successfully portray Clark turning into Superman without every character being incredibly stupid? Everyone has seen Clark without glasses so Lois Lane won't be the only person to figure it out quickly. Unless there is a massive mind wipe or continuity erased, there really isn't a way for Superman to be introduced without everyone knowing Clark Kent and Superman are the same person. Thoughts?I've always wondered that, I think I've even asked the question before. But I figure he might leave for a while and come back in glasses because in the movie he had to leave for training, maybe he will have to do that in the show and in the 3rd superman movie he goes to smallville and sees Lana Lang, and I think she knew him before he had glasses and she didn't recognize him when he's superman, I think it might of been because he was gone for a while. I don't know what they will do in Smallville, I guess we will just have to wait and see.
oh and for the person who said that in the moive lana lang didn't know clark with out the glasses, she did because she was the red headed cheerleader who who rode off in the car with her bf in the begining of the moive, when clark was a teenager, and he didn't have glasses then, and i also think u were refuring to lois lane, not lana lang, lana was only in the beginng of the moive.The producers of the first 7 seasons were asked that, and they said basically that the good news is that they don't have to explain that. Hopefully the new producers are going to address that, but there's not a lot of hope for something that would make sense at this point.the story lines of smallville have been driving me nuts due to its lack of creativity. but most likely if we ever see clark become the man of steel, there would be some sort of memory cleanse...which isn't the first time.Smallville dvd will never portray Clark turning into Superman. The show's #1 rule is "no flights, no tights."well for starters it is smallville and not superman but also we aren't see clark in costume or anything cuz they have a no tights or cape rule. however, that doesn't mean we won't see him flying at the end, also there are rumors of a possible season 9. the producers even say it's possible so maybe if they make a season 9, that season will contentrate on giving clark a secret alias. Here this is the thing about a season 9: -Souders notes that Clark's double identity will face new challenges, and that Oliver and other members of the Justice League haven't had the same struggles with developing their superhero identities, because their first identities aren't lies. For Clark, the transition is harder because Clark Kent, farmboy, is already a mask. She adds that Clark's humanity also gets in the way.
It is weird that they didn't start him off with glasses, but since Smallville is supposed to be non-canonical then they could do anything from mind wipes, to the blue Superman, to a Superman in goggles like the Eradicator Superman or anything. They might even just end the series before we see a Superman making contact with anyone that knew Clark.idk u think they would just have clark put on the tights and cape and just run around a still be the red-blue blur, and never have anyone c his face, but i did c a comercial for smallville showing clark wearing the glasses, so he must have to tell lois, cuz yah she would notice